In response to the problem where the current social situation no longer enables us to provide physiotherapy in person for the foreseeable future, we have set up a Virtual Clinic where you can access the diagnostic and treatment skills of our Chartered Physiotherapists by Video or Telephone.
Our Physiotherapists can diagnose you by observing your posture and movements and assessing the levels of pain. They can observe walking patterns and sitting postures and correct these via exercises and advice. There are many self-management techniques that can be used at home to help the aches and pains that you may be experiencing.
With the change in lifestyle lots of people are working from home which to many people is a good thing but be careful as it means a total change of work station, posture and hours of work.
One of the other benefits other than not commuting is being able to exercise more than we have done in a long time. This although a good thing can have its potential problems. Going from no exercise to a little or loads needs careful planning to avoid injury.
On that note, I am currently doing Joe Wicks with my kids every morning. It is great fun but it has made me realise how much I need to exercise more and also how important all the stretches I give my clients have become.
So, if you have any aches and pains ranging from a stiff neck to back pain from new work position or knee, foot and ankle pain or from exercise then we can help. Just click on the book appointment button below to book and we will be glad to help.

Director and Lead Physiotherapist
Don't Let Pain Win!
Our Expert Physiotherapists in Witham and Chelmsford specialise in providing the latest treatments and techniques in order to get you pain free as soon as possible, cure the cause of your pain and help you to return to pre-injury levels of activity.
Furthermore, we'll also give you a bespoke exercise and rehabilitation program, and advise you on how to prevent re-injury and remain pain free.
Get in touch with us now on 01245 830280 or 07980 898212 or click below to book online!
Same day and emergency appointments available most of the time.
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday
6am to 9pm
9am to 12pm
Same day & Emergency appointments available most times.

Witham Leisure Centre, Spinks Ln, Witham, Essex, CM8 1EP